The Association of American Medical Colleges held its annual convention in San Francisco this week. Longtime intactivist "Brother K" was one of several intactivist demonstrators over the course of the week. He describes his experience on FaceBook at

Here's an excerpt that is particularly telling. What would cause someone who is supposedly dedicated to healing, improving quality of life, service to others, etc., to behave this way? Feeling threatened or challenged? Or maybe cognitive dissonance?

Early on, about 15 minutes into the morning, a doctor walked by & snarled "Fuck you!" at me. I called out, "Come back and say it to my face!" He walked on with another "Fuck you!" over his shoulder. I answered, "Hey, chickenshit, say it to my face!" He hesitated, slowed down, turned around, glared at me, and reluctantly made his way back to stand eyeball to eyeball with me. "Fuck you!" he repeated. "Why do you say that?" I answered calmly. The look of fury in his eyes you can imagine. "Fuck you!" he shouted in my face, turned around, and marched away. "Chickenshit!" I called out to him. "Come back and say it again! Chickenshit!" At no point did I threaten any physical violence, but I am going to answer psychological violence with greater fury than they've ever seen, and I did in fact.

Several minutes later a Moscone Security guard approached me, saying, "We had a complaint that you're using vulgar language. This is a warning. If it happens again, we'll have to call in San Francisco Police to deal with you." He was the same Security guard who'd seen me the day before. I said, "Did they tell you I was responding to an "F U?" "No," he said, realizing that my verbal assault had not come out of nowhere. "You can't do that again," he warned me. "I understand," I said.