Posted in reply to the post by Barry:
To be clear, all users are required to supply their real names at registration and this information is made public.
I don't know the details of what's happened so I can't really say. In addition to
my comments earlier in this thread, as well my suggestion that a new market at The Barlow not be at the same time as the existing market unless that is done cooperatively, I'll add I am struck by not only the lack of transparency but also the harsh tone of lizzysweet/Nancy Prebilich's posts.
Just as you suggest removal from this forum is the ultimate "punishment", it would seem that would apply to a vendor at a farmers market that doesn't play nice. So I think it would be within the market manager's prerogative to exclude such a vendor. Whether or not it was warranted is a another story.
They shouldn't say anything that they are not willing to have their name associated with. The registration process requires their real name for their profile.
There have been cases when people accuse/repost others of mis-deeds on WaccoBB and they use their real names. Since their report is true and their intent is not malicious nor self-interested, they are willing to be fully responsible for their communications. There is no telling what's true and what's not. The only check to be applied to provide "safety" is for people to be responsible for their communication.
To turn the tables on you, what if some anonymous/fake user posted damning things (true or not) about you or The Barlow??
WaccoBB.net is my attempt of holding a responsible and respectful public forum. It's not your typical online forum. My key tool is holding people responsible for what they post. I think that serves us all. There are plenty of internet sites, including the PD, where user comments are anonymous and libelous. At some point I'll make that distinction yet more apparent to protect the guilty

I hope you'l reconsider that. I have appreciated your posts, even if I haven't agreed with all of them. And I think we can be a very effective outreach to the community for you. I like to think you have used this service because users use it with integrity and respect. I'm just working to preserve that.
Point taken, but plenty of people still speak out, and their comments carry more weight because they stand behind them.