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  1. TopTop #1
    Sunrise Center

    FREE Intro Wi$e Up - Financial Education for Gen X & Y Women.

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Views: 1898
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    "While attending one of the Wi$eUp workshops, I thought to myself, 'being there will be very supportive of our women;' I didn't really expect to walk out learning something, but quite frankly I did. It is a true testament to the program that at any age, any level, you can walk away feeling enriched with better information."
    ~ Robin Matza

    "Prior to Wi$eUp, I lived paycheck-to-paycheck, with no emergency savings. An unexpected emergency would have devastated us financially." ~ Bianca Smith

    "Initially I had resistance and discomfort with any financial conversations and I almost didn't take this class. I am so glad stuck with it. I was surprised to discover how this class not only provided me with greater financial literacy, but also provided me with the mindset to create greater financial health for myself. I was amazed to manifest an extra $1200 in the first 3 weeks after completing this class." ~ Katrina Vaillancourt
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  2. TopTop #2
    Sunrise Center

    Update! Affordable for ANYONE!: Wi$e Up - Financial Education for Gen X & Y Women.

    Special Update! In their strong desire to support women to gain financial strength, stability and independence, Helen Abe and Lori Grace have chosen to offer this class at a sliding scale rate. If you are a woman wanting to learn how to empower yourself in your current financial situation and create a plan for your financial future, please come! Register online at
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