Please take a minute to take this fire safety quiz and help us win $10,000 for our dedicated Volunteer Fire Department. And please consider taking ANOTHER minute to send this to everyone you know! We know we have a high rate of community involvement in Sebastopol; please help us capitalize on that in the literal sense!
The quiz is really short, and you may learn some things from it!
Yesterday we were in 8th place, and now we're in 5th. We only need to get to 2nd place to win $10,000, which will be huge help to our fire department.
During my work on the CERT board, I have had an opportunity to observe our amazingly dedicated volunteer firefighters. They volunteer hours and hours of their time to protect our homes and our health. Please take a couple of minutes to help them help us.
You can cut and paste this announcement into an email of your own. Please publicize widely. The deadline is October 31.