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  1. TopTop #1
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Occupy Santa Rosa Continues/La Ocupacion de Santa Rosa Sigue! WE NEED YOU! Te Necesitamos!


    After a historic action against Wall St., against the 1%, yesterday (many estimates are over 4,000 people!), people are still occupying Santa Rosa City Hall. PLEASE COME DOWN AND PARTICIPATE! PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD! There will be regular general assemblies, workshops, and planning for where this movement is going, etc.

    Después de una acción histórica contra los mas ricos del país ayer (muchos dicen que había 4,000 personas!), hay una ocupación todavia la ciudad de Santa Rosa. FAVOR DE VENIR Y PARTICIPAR! FAVOR DE PASAR LA VOZ! Habra Asambleas, Talleres, y planeando para el futuro de este movimiento, et cetera.

    Youth activists, coordinated by Food Not Bombs, are providing food for the occupation right now, cooking here at the Peace and Justice Center. Let us know if you can donate or help cook in the future.

    Activistas jóvenes, coordinado por el grupo "Food Not Bombs," estan cocinando para la ocupacion ahorita, aqui en el Centro de Paz y Justicia (467 Sebastopol Ave.). Dejanos saber si puedes donar comida, o ayudanos a cocinar en el futuro.

    This movement is growing daily, and it is a beautiful experiment in participatory democracy. If we have a criticism of it, it is our duty to show up, make our voices heard, and help grow this movement, strengthening it through these early challenges.

    Este movimiento esta creciendo diariamente y es un experimento hermoso en la democracia participativa. Si tenemos un criticismo, es nuestro papel venir, hacer escuchados nuestros voces, y ayudar a fortalecer este movimiento durante estos momentos.

    Don't be afraid of showing up. There is little to no risk of being arrested for cited for being present at the occupation, unless you are sleeping overnight (though the police didn't take any action last night, although people stayed). Let's communicate to EVERYONE in the community that this is a safe event, and that the whole community belongs here.

    Que no tengamos miedo de asistir! Hay muy poco riesgo de ser arrestado por estar presente a la ocupacion, a menos que duermas allí. La policía no nos ha molestado, aunque cien personas durmieron allí anoche. TODO EL MUNDO debe de estar aquí. Es un evento seguro y todos pertenecen en este lugar.

    for updates and info, go to
    go to, a clearinghouse of info and resources for the global movement against the super rich.

    Para noticias locales,
    Para recursos y información sobre el movimiento global contra los mas ricos,

    in solidarity/en solidaridad
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  2. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  3. TopTop #2
    Moon's Avatar

    Re: Occupy Santa Rosa Continues/La Ocupacion de Santa Rosa Sigue! WE NEED YOU! Te Necesita

    I want to underline what Carl says about not being afraid to come to the occupation whenever you can: Not only do you not need to fear the police (so far), but you need not be shy about coming into a highly cohesive group if you don't know anyone there. You will. Really--just walk up and introduce yourself to the first person whose eye you catch and say, "I just got here, but i want [peace/everyone to have enough/ripped-off homeowners to get their houses back/etc.] just as much as anyone else; what can i do?" Believe me, it will work; most of us hadn't met each other less than a week ago, and now we're trusting each other with our physical and emotional safety.

    These are people who are willing to risk having our skulls fractured for the sake of getting the US government to stop its repeated pattern of slaughtering third-world children by the thousands, so there's good material to work with. For the sake primarily of other people--meaning the majority of humankind, who are still worse off than we are, even with the US economy on the skids--we're sleeping on the ground, bathing in restroom sinks and keeping ourselves going with buckets of coffee; we scare only corporations.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post

    After a historic action against Wall St., against the 1%, yesterday (many estimates are over 4,000 people!), people are still occupying Santa Rosa City Hall. PLEASE COME DOWN AND PARTICIPATE! PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD! There will be regular general assemblies, workshops, and planning for where this movement is going, etc.

    Después de una acción histórica contra los mas ricos del país ayer (muchos dicen que había 4,000 personas!), hay una ocupación todavia la ciudad de Santa Rosa. FAVOR DE VENIR Y PARTICIPAR! FAVOR DE PASAR LA VOZ! Habra Asambleas, Talleres, y planeando para el futuro de este movimiento, et cetera.
    This movement is growing daily, and it is a beautiful experiment in participatory democracy. If we have a criticism of it, it is our duty to show up, make our voices heard, and help grow this movement, strengthening it through these early challenges.

    Este movimiento esta creciendo diariamente y es un experimento hermoso en la democracia participativa. Si tenemos un criticismo, es nuestro papel venir, hacer escuchados nuestros voces, y ayudar a fortalecer este movimiento durante estos momentos.

    Don't be afraid of showing up. There is little to no risk of being arrested for cited for being present at the occupation, unless you are sleeping overnight (though the police didn't take any action last night, although people stayed). Let's communicate to EVERYONE in the community that this is a safe event, and that the whole community belongs here.

    Que no tengamos miedo de asistir! Hay muy poco riesgo de ser arrestado por estar presente a la ocupacion, a menos que duermas allí. La policía no nos ha molestado, aunque cien personas durmieron allí anoche. TODO EL MUNDO debe de estar aquí. Es un evento seguro y todos pertenecen en este lugar.

    for updates and info, go to
    go to, a clearinghouse of info and resources for the global movement against the super rich.

    Para noticias locales,
    Para recursos y información sobre el movimiento global contra los mas ricos,

    in solidarity/en solidaridad
    Last edited by Barry; 10-20-2011 at 06:56 PM.
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  4. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

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