Here is the latest video footage of the hottest topic in UFO and ET phenomena available today.
Would it be on Larry King Live if there were not some level of credibility?

Although the government scientists working with the man who took the footage will only allow one frame to be made available to the public, it is evident from the interview that he has been through the ringer with this situation and is both exhausted and sincere in the face of an insane, but understandable, amount of attention from the media. Not once does he mention the word "government."

The "re-enactment" footage during the interview ( the panel interview, and what a carefully balanced panel) suggests that the decision has been made to break the content to us gently, perhaps on the theory that we can say to ourselves that it's "just computer graphics", like when little kids go to a slasher movie and tell themselves its "just ketchup."

Whatever the case may be, reality or fiction, Jeff Beckman should have give more thought to the wording in his quest for an "Extra Terrestrial Affairs Commission. It is a poor choice of words given the number of abductees from whom sperm, eggs, and live fetuses have been harvested.

One thing that argues for authenticity in this one man's quest to get the aliens out of his closet is the fact that he and his family have had ongoing contact over a long time-period. This is classic. And again, he only refers to it, he does not come right out and say it.

It is well worth the time to view and review this interview. There is much more information here that will slide by the casual one-time viewer. And what is unsaid, unasked and unstated is just as fascinating by virtue of being conspicuous by its absence.

This just may be the Zapruder film of the 21st Century!

Here:s the link. See what you think and spread the word!

From 'Larry King Live' Yesterday 6/2/2008: