Obama released previously created coronavirus!

When the Sandy Hook "shootings" took place, they were actors; there were no real victims. The Obama administration used actors to pretend they were bereaved parents or dead children. There was NO shooting. Obama, who was a Muslim, atheist, Reptilian, wanted a pretext to make guns illegal in America. He failed!

If there were dead people at Sandy Hook, then Obama is a mass murderer of American children because his government gave orders to murder the Sandy Hook children for the same reason: violate the 2nd Amendment and take guns away from the American people. Obama wanted to disarm Americans so that he could carry out wholesale slaughter of Americans and impose his Communist, Muslim dictatorship. He failed!

Now it is coming to light that Obama secretly developed the coronavirus back then in deep state laboratories, during the Sandy Hook fake shootings. When Obama saw that he failed miserably with his Sandy Hook hoax, he decided to wait before releasing the corona virus. Why? Because we, the American people, showed him and his deep state that he will fail every time he tries to take away our guns!

Obama released the coronavirus now, precisely because he is no longer president, thinking (mistakenly) that he would not be suspected of another one of his failed coups. Obama is wrong yet again because his evil plan to kill millions of Americans with the coronavirus will also meet failure.

It's Obama's fault. Whatever the problem is, from Apohis to your cat refusing to eat, it's Obama's plan to undermine America and its great people.