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  1. TopTop #1
    Scott McKeown's Avatar
    Scott McKeown

    Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    Long time local Sebastopol resident Julia Bystrova, who many folks know from her many years of contributing to our community in various positive ways, has been at the main Standing Rock camp for a while now assisting hands-on with the medic and healers team.

    Julia has been posting some personal updates on her Facebook page now and then, and I messaged her to ask if I could post those updates here on Wacco, which she approved. She says she has been working very hard to the point of being maxed out and doesn't have the time to post on Wacco.

    Here are Julia's Facebook postings from the last two days, starting from yesterday's at the top to the latest at the bottom:

    Yesterday at 12:08pm
    Our camp has doubled in size within the last 2 days. It's nuts here! But we definitely have DAPL outnumbered

    6 hrs

    So many here, most of the long term resisters are overwhelmed. Many of my friends have left already, but Spirit isn't letting me leave yet. Working with arrestee women in trauma. The need is great. Tomorrow I join the women's prayer vigil. Starhawk will be with us. This place is big medicine and everyone is getting dosed. I'll post pics as soon as I can get to it

    3 hrs
    Too many people at Standing Rock. If you are thinking to come, I advise you stay home right now.

    2 hrs
    Standing Rock, and especially Oceti Sakowin camp, is a resistance camp. And it is ceremonial ground. The sacred fire burns 24/7 and we are called to prayer all through the day and night whenever we can or feel moved to. The land is powerful and the ancestors are all around us in their burial mounds. Over 300 indigenous tribes are represented here. This started with just 5 Lakota youth who began to camp. One dreamed that there would be thousands. And now that dream has come true. There are many who came here to stay no matter what, and to stay until we have accomplished our goal--to protect the water. The goal is also symbolic for water everywhere, and a world where we take care of the earth and each other. There are many of us who are willing to give their lives for this, though no one wants it to come to that.

    This last holiday weekend, many came with good intentions. Some people came to help and are sincere, but there are those who are here trying to make it a party and a photo op. Many donations coming in all the time. We have enough medic supplies for a hospital. I am concerned, some people have come without being prepared, without understanding whats happening, and they are putting a big burden on the camp--using resources, creating waste, and dropping off unneeded donations that those left behind then have to clean up. This is NOT a festival. It is not a free-for-all. This is a war zone. It is real and it is rough. Please only come if you can truly be of use or join the actions. And I advise waiting until after the crowds have thinned. The coming 3 days of snow will likely chase people off.

    1 hr
    Thanksgiving day was one of my best days ever. I started the day with a Lakota water ceremony and a special blessing with a very revered Mexican shaman (who told us that the earth feeds us, but we have just taken and that we must give to the earth too--the spiritual food of our prayers). I decided to go to an action that day, happening down at the water. The police were lining the top of the hill on the other side, where they shine the flood lights on us all night. We were a massive crowd, praying and singing at the water, some of us crossed to the other side (using a little pallet bridge). Leaders with bullhorns sent the police words of love and invitation. We told them we loved them. At one point 4 police sat down on the side of the hill and I saw 2 of them wave at us! It was amazing.

    Then most of us gathered in what was the largest circle I have ever been a part of. I couldn't see it all. We invited the police to come down and circle with us. Looking up a little later, I saw them gathered in a little circle. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but it was cool.

    Later a huge feast was offered at a local high school. I caught a photo of rev. Billy busing the tables.

    26 mins
    We have been told to vacate our camp by dec 5th. We have hundreds of veterans and clergy coming in right before to stand in solidarity. Not one of the long term folks I've talked to has any intention of leaving. This is Sioux land. PLEASE!--You can turn the tide of what happens. Call the following numbers and give your opinion that we should stay!
    White House Comment Line: 202-456-1111
    US Army Corp of Engineers Numbers
    General: 202-761-0011
    Emergency Management: 202-761-4603
    Permits: 202-761-0011
    Media: 202-761-0011
    Legal: 202-761-0018
    Freedom of Information Act: 202-761-4791
    Inspection General (Fraud, Waste, Abuse): 800-328-2207

    12 mins
    During a lull in the activity, I went to say some prayers at the "border", the bridge where police have barricaded--you can see the snipers with their guns pointed. I prayed and visualized the police walking out to shake hands with us. Shortly after this photo, some security from our camp came and told us we were WAY too close and to get back. I invite you to visualize this with me, the fence coming down, the police putting down their guns.


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  2. TopTop #2
    Scott McKeown's Avatar
    Scott McKeown

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    Another very recent FB posting from Julia Bystrova from Standing Rock.

    We are getting some real direct-from-the-front-lines stories from Juila you won't get through any media.

    4 mins

    My friend and colleague Robert, who is a member of the Muskogee tribe, served as a spiritual counselor in the medic camp and on call for the water protectors. During the big action on Nov 20th, he went to the front line to assist. He helped a Lakota elder get transport—the elder had been soaked and was freezing. He also had numerous injuries from rubber bullets. It was a lot to bear and he went into cardiac arrest, the doctor said “we’re losing him”. Robert could see him make a motion with his hands, reaching to the sky that seemed to indicate he was speaking with the ancestors. As he held his body, he felt it go limp and he knew he was gone. Robert then found himself becoming a voice for spirit, a mysterious power took hold of him and he spoke: "the ancestors are not calling you home but that they are calling you back to your body, that you must stay to give strength and courage to your people, that they are here to tell you they are with you". Within a few long moments, the man took a breath and sat up. He was back. Clearly, it was not his time and for that we are thankful.

    Last edited by Manna; 11-27-2016 at 11:27 AM.
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  3. TopTop #3
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    Julia posted a video in advance of tonight's action on the bridge led by the women. See it here

    dit: Due to visibility restrictions on the video, some users will not be able to see it, sorry.
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  4. Gratitude expressed by 5 members:

  5. TopTop #4

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    Several of Julia Bystrova's posts have moved me to deep tears; thanks to you and all who are holding the Light in this dark circumstance. May it come to pass that our meditations on Peace permeate and Shift the atmosphere, even there in the dark cold camp where she serves so heroically.
    Many Blessings to All,
    Rev. BE

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    Julia posted a video in advance of tonight's action on the bridge led by the women. See it here

    dit: Due to visibility restrictions on the video, some users will not be able to see it, sorry.
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  6. Gratitude expressed by 6 members:

  7. TopTop #5
    Scott McKeown's Avatar
    Scott McKeown

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    Here are a series of recent Facebook posts by Julia Bystrova direct from Standing Rock. The most recent posts are at the bottom.

    November 27 at 10:51pm
    Prayer vigil was amazing, thanks for all your prayers!

    Yesterday at 10:05am
    We are getting some serious snow, today I am helping a new nurse that just slipped on the ice and broke her wrist. Going to Bismark hospital. Driving in snow is not something I have a lot of experience with. Prayers of safety for us all please.

    22 hrs
    Here's how my Sunday went: I woke up before the dawn to join the ceremony at the sacred fire (this happens everyday) then I went with a large number of us down to the river to join in a water ceremony. We gave our prayers to the water. Men held space for women and then women for men. Beauty greeted us with the rising of the sun. I went over to Sacred Stone camp to catch the last round of a women's sweat. Starhawk was with us. We met with a large group to discuss the intention of the prayer vigil action to be held at the bridge. We were instructed in ways to deal with police and how to help each other. Everything was well planned. I had an hour to prepare, so went back to medic camp to check in there.

    I joined the march and we were off. So many feelings ran through my body as we approached the bridge. Then as we crossed the line that we were told not to cross, I had a fleeting moment of apprehension, but then a wave of calm. I was with my sisters, and what we were doing was so very right. We were speaking for women and peace everywhere--by not speaking--by being silent and in our power. The men tried to stop us, even those on our 'side', those who didn't understand what we were doing and wanted to 'protect' us. We didn't need it, we wanted only to pray.

    Our native sisters were able to go down to the water on the other side of the bridge and do their ceremony. I was tuning into the energy of it all and feeling the confusion and disorientation of the men. Some men didn't understand, they didn't realize that in their well meaning way, they were still oppressing us. The police could see we were there in peace and let us pass. We made a powerful statement, it is time for women to lead! It is time for us to live in a world that honors women and what women stand for. We stand for life! We stand for the waters, the children, all life.

    After the vigil, I drove to a benefit concert with John Trudell's band, Jason Mraz, Jackson Brown and Bonnie Rait. It was amazing and super inspiring. People were shouting from the audience any chance they could get "water is life!" and "mni wiconi!". We all knew we were being part of something very special and historic.
    I drove home in a snowstorm, going maybe 10 miles an hour. It occurred to me I could get blinded or stuck and I was nervous. But then I remember that fearless place inside me that is growing by the day, and knew I would make it. My warm camp bed was waiting.

    20 hrs
    Happiness is a hot bath after two weeks of wearing the same clothes.

    9 hrs
    I am snowed in. Spirit has connected me with a grandmother who has traveled the world healing and who has been welcomed into the inner circles of all that is happening. So many stories. Spirit has made sure I have a warm place to sleep and write today, to catch up on all the amazing things that have happened and the people I have met. This is what I am here to do--to hold healing and to share the healing stories. In this way we build a web of healing around the world. This is what is happening my friends. Make no mistake--we are at ground zero for the take down of the patriarchy and corporate greed consumer culture.

    So many people wounded from our culture are here to heal, though many don't even know it yet. The patriarchy will not go down easy. There is always chaos when diseased patterns get dissolved. Maintain peace and prayers, do not focus on the negative of the falling kings, including Trump. We are destined to rise, the earth itself has ordained it. Have faith.

    7 hrs
    Working on an article about cultural healing. What a cauldron we are being stirred into. So much healing between western colonialism and native ways. We are forging a new legacy of relations. But right now it is a messy stew. White people, me, are especially going through it because their unconscious entitlement is being challenged at a very deep level. Either surrender to the healing or you will not be able to stand the fire.

    4 hrs
    While we report on the racism and xenophobia that is rearing its ugly head in our nation, at Standing Rock, we see the races and cultures learning how to heal and accept each other. There is a lot of racism here too, its amplified and in our face--but most who come here have a heart for healing and so we are forced to face what that means. It is not pretty. Racism is an inflammation of consciousness that can only be soothed when people recognize that they are safe. I will say that even though it is the Natives that have good reason to treat the white folks with anger, it is the whites I see who display the most anger, attitude, ego tripping and control dramas. Most of the indigenous I have met have been kind, humble and caring. Honestly, I have felt embarrassment for the race I represent (even though I am part Latino, btw). I invite each of you white people reading this right now to take a moment to see how your own privilege might show up in your daily interactions. Be open. And believe me when I say that to shed it can be a relief, not a loss.

    4 hrs
    The roads are blocked going into the camps, many of us are stranded in various locations. I have no choice but to wait this out.

    3 hrs
    I am resting up and getting ready to greet the 1200 veterans and 500 clergy arriving in the coming days (after the roads clear of course)

    Last edited by Barry; 11-30-2016 at 10:28 AM.
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  8. TopTop #6
    Scott McKeown's Avatar
    Scott McKeown

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    Selected Facebook postings by Julia Bystrova direct from the Standing Rock action in the last 24 hours:

    Yesterday at 8:03pm

    Friends, I would need to write a whole book to share about the complex relations and the psychology, sociology, mythology going on here. There is the purity and beauty of the Native intention, the sacred fire, the council, the history, the land, the prophecy, the loving hearts, the tears and the coming together of indigenous and allies from around the world and every country. But much light also attracts much shadow. There is the pipeline, or "black snake" that the camp has been built to resist, to "cut the head off" of. But what is harder to find and resist, is the black snake that lies inside us. The real battle is a spiritual one, and there are those that are winning it and those that are falling prey to their own inner black snakes. Yes, there may be thieves, angry ones, traumatized ones, those with dark intentions, freeloaders, power struggles, ego battles, greed. But there are also some of the most amazing, generous, loving and badass people on the planet. This is a microcosm of it all, amidst the daunting and almost impossible task of erecting a village in the front of a North Dakota winter. Add to that the associated challenges of how to run that village with cultural differences and legal issues. Bottom line? We are all being asked to step up, to find and remove the black snake in ourselves. Say your prayers by your own sacred fires, your own flowing waters. We are living a time in history where we all must not only step up, but step IN. Then we will finally and truly understand that we are one people and what we each do affects the all.

    12 hrs

    Well, I am getting supplies for the counseling tipi in the medic camp today and heading back to camp tomorrow, roads are open but icy. I am going to stay to be a witness for the vets and meet with the clergy. Being an interfaith minister, this is important to me. Then I am thinking about heading back when weather permits. I need to go help my mama and also pay my bills! Funny how Ive almost entirely forgotten my life at home. This is my home. I am conflicted about leaving.

    6 hrs

    This is on the front page of the Bismark Tribune today:

    Name:  15253587_10209737127958798_989319545758764003_n.jpg
Views: 2120
Size:  54.7 KB

    1 hr

    Veterans are arriving to camp. I don't know what the final count will be but it could be somewhere between 1000 to 2000, organized in part by the son of Wesley Clark, a Nato general. Their intention is to give our Native warriors a break and hold the front lines. Here is their stated mission:
    "To honor the giants on whose shoulders we stand, such as Gandhi’s salt protest or MLK’s Selma protest. In the ultimate expression of alliance, we are there to put our bodies on the line, no matter the physical cost, in complete non-violence to provide a clear representation to all Americans of where evil resides. The Water Protectors are leading the way against this same evil which we must all face globally, saving ourselves and our children from the apocalyptic outcome of climate change."
    Stay tuned, my friends. I will be there and will report.

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  9. TopTop #7
    Scott McKeown's Avatar
    Scott McKeown

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    Julia Bystrova's most recent Facebook postings in the last 24 hours from Standing Rock.

    13 hrs

    Arctic front coming in and temps will go below zero.Now the real fun begins. I always wanted to know what it would be like to camp in Antartica (she says with hint of sarcasm in a desperate attempt to find levity in the situation)

    13 hrs

    One morning around the sacred fire, the Lakota leader said something that has stayed with me, I will paraphrase: 'The cold, the discomfort, is a sacrifice we choose to pay for the greater good of our goal'. Now I ask all of you what greater good are we working for? All things have their price. Positive change requires work, sacrifice, stepping out of our comfort zone. What little thing can each of us do today that is a little out of our comfort zone but builds towards positive change? Maybe choosing to reach out to someone in need even though you are busy? Picking up trash on the road even though your back hurts? Only each of us know what we can give towards the greater whole.

    13 hrs

    I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this because Im not that good at asking. If anyone would like to help support my work here, here's a link you can throw a few bucks into the pot. It is greatly appreciated. After expenses I would love to buy specific needed things in the camp. For example, yesterday I bought batteries, lanterns, firestarter, doormats, ice scrapers. Also it will help me pay my bills while I am not at home working!

    11 hrs

    At the hotel I was at during the snowstorm, it was interesting to be surrounded at one time by official looking DAPL type guys. They were staying there too. I tried to make eye contact to smile and say hi, but only was able to get one to even smile at me. I really wanted to talk to them, to listen to them, to speak to their hearts. Instead I just had to send them love silently. Sadly some other SR folks that came through (who had brown skin) were told to "go home" and "we should've built that wall 2 years ago".
    If I had been there at that moment I would have spoken up. Regardless, I take all this in through my heart to transform. This is the work. People are so scared, and uneducated. Bad combo. We don't need more blame, we need more love and understanding. Also clear boundaries and speaking truth.

    1 hr

    Today I had a synchronistic meeting with the priest of standing rock's main church and a minister who has invited up to 500 clergy of all faith traditions to come together in prayer. We are setting up a structure for many of them who specialize in trauma to give the vets counseling for PTSD, or whatever they need for support. So heartening. I am deeply grateful to be able to serve with them.
    Last edited by Barry; 12-02-2016 at 09:07 PM.
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  10. Gratitude expressed by 11 members:

  11. TopTop #8
    Scott McKeown's Avatar
    Scott McKeown

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    Below are the latest postings in the last 24 hours from Julia Bystrova at Standing Rock.

    On a personal note -- I am worried about how the weather will be getting worse at Standing Rock in just a few days. Here is the National Weather Service about the weather near Bismarck for Monday: "Snowfall accumulations look probable across western and central ND, but models are all over the place on where the highest amounts will occur. This can be refined in future forecasts. Following the snow will be the first surge of arctic air this season, heralding in wind chills as low as 25 below zero Tuesday through Thursday."

    Temperatures will be falling about 20 degrees below what they have been so far. On top of that there is the potential of a "showdown" regarding the arriving vets and the "deadline" to evacuate the main camp by Monday. Then on Tuesday the really cold weather hits. This is serious stuff.

    From Julia below:

    3 hrs

    There are times when living in the medic camp is a real advantage! I have come down with a respiratory challenge that is running through camp. I don't know if it is from the cold, breathing wood smoke, a bug or the chemicals many say are being sprayed on us (oh, I did see the planes at night without their lights, pretty creepy) or maybe its a combo of all of the above. In any case, its pretty annoying.I went to the herbal medicine yurt and she made me a special tea concoction which was wonderful. The next day, I went to the allopathic yurt to make sure it wasn't pneumonia (painful cough and weezing, yuck) and they checked me. Free health help at my doorstep, love it. (I went over to the bodywork space to see if it was possible to get some healing, but instead was asked to work, oh well). In my groggy state, I slipped and fell on the ice, smacking my knee really hard, ouch. I found some humor in the fact that one of the folks that ran to help me said they saw my head lamp trace out a big letter "J" against the night sky as I careened to the ground. Cool, my initial in lights. Drumming in the background was a nice soundtrack to it all.They called for a medic, who had come running to help, but I was already up and walking, happy to see I still could. I found some arnica bruise lotion in the wellness yurt, applied it and called it a night. A lot of folks probably dealing with the same things as me, feeling crappy. Thank goodness for all the angels in the medic camp that keep us going.

    2 hrs

    An army chaplain I spoke with today said that the camp reminded him of Palestine.

    1 hr

    Which way to go? When you throw together people from all directions and all walks of life, different perspectives on what and how we are doing what we are doing, its no wonder you find chaos and many roads. As a result of being exposed more intimately with native ways, I am confronted with my way of doing things, have become less linear and my relationship with time has changed. All of this has the effect of changing my perspective on life. For the natives here, what happened 100 years ago on this spot is part of what is happening now, and is very present for them. We are in a evolutionary and historical shift. We are asked by our own hearts and by the land itself to detox generations of oppression within our psyches. it will take time. Nonlinear time. Then perhaps, all roads lead to home.

    Name:  15272233_10209759004625701_1708021114486651568_o.jpg
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    Last edited by Barry; 12-03-2016 at 08:54 AM.
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  12. TopTop #9
    Scott McKeown's Avatar
    Scott McKeown

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    .Julia's postings in the last 24 hours from Standing Rock:

    13 hrs

    Woken up through the night with coughing, security guy yelling at someone, and helicopters circling us. Going to the porta potty across ice adds to the adventure. Another night in SR.

    12 hrs

    Lots of vets are now coming in to medic camp, many wearing their fatigues. What a great bunch of folks. I hope they all have warm places to sleep. I am helping with the interfaith shelter for them to receive counseling services and a warm place to pray or engage in any faith(or no faith) spiritual tradition. I am looking forward to hearing stories and seeing how their activity comes together. With the deadline for our eviction notice looming, the next couple of days are going to be very full!

    12 hrs

    Talked to a nurse today that she has seen many many cases of this lung thing that I got. She says there has been evidence with some of them of chemical inhalation that are damaging their lungs. There is also of a lot of viral bronchitis. Ugh.

    22 mins

    One army guy I talked to said it all when I asked him why he was here."Oil companies lobby heavily and have a stranglehold on our government. I swore an oath to protect my country from the enemy, foreign and domestic. Oil companies have become our enemy."

    10 mins

    I've been learning more about how things are run here. Plots are thick, twists and turns abound. Meanwhile, we all know that there are spies among us and infiltrators with intentions to incite. Good luck to them getting the Intel. We are an organic, self organizing amalgam between native ways and western colonialism. But really, the organization here is run by Creator, in spite of our human foibles.
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  13. Gratitude expressed by 9 members:

  14. TopTop #10
    santoshimatajaya's Avatar
    Supporting Member

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    My concern is
    we are dealing here with Level of Consciousness

    if the Standing Rock group
    is seen as 'the enemy'
    the government army, the state, and the feds standing by
    allowing this to mount and possibly play out
    per a military mindset

    this military, oil pipeline mindset
    is not of the same Consciousness as the Indigenous Prayful Natural Law mindset

    when pushed
    they will have no problem shoving back
    with harmful, deceptive, distrustful means
    such as the chemicals they are dropping

    last night i had a dream of being sprayed by them
    and i'm pretty removed from this whole situation,
    barely following it~
    (one reason i so appreciate your posts Julia
    tho i am concerned for you and everyone there)

    the planetary transits are also building towards more violent possibilities
    which is a foundation for my concerns
    Mars soon moves into Aquarius with Ketu, the south node
    Saturn is combust, meaning close to Sun, in a star that is willling to fight

    Given that our government is war oriented
    compared to Canada, which is not involved this way,
    it could be a trend
    given Trump's presence and the upset wave that is emerging, naturally
    that more violence via the government
    will become more common
    so that war again is playing out on our soil
    amidst the backdrop of terrorism our government is contending with
    and participating in

    How then to Non-Violently
    stand up for Human Rights, Earth's Well Being~

    to me it is through COMMUNICATION

    through MEETING
    not to convince
    not to be Right
    but to create UNDERSTANDING
    regarding everyone's Needs

    just by Expressing and Listening
    the whole picture changes

    if we can step out of our Upset
    in order to Express in a way that can be taken in, Heard
    by the others
    and Vice Versa

    we can find solutions
    CREATE Soluitons
    that are not seen
    not possible
    when one resides in the Cloud of Upset, Ego

    by not following Rules, Regulations
    government's Ego gets activated
    their Rational for Militarism is in their minds condoned
    they have no problem Destroying, Damaging, Terrorizing
    which is what they have begun doing

    they have no other tools, skills, means by which to respond

    This to me
    is what needs changing

    as individuals
    we need to begin making these changes in our lives
    how we respond to our ego's when they get triggered
    by those in our lives,
    our partners, children, teachers, bosses, peers, drivers, etc etc

    when we can do this as individuals
    we will be able to do this as a group

    which is what we need from those in governing roles

    Meetings should be held
    COMMUNICATION needs to be Practiced

    standing off one another
    in the face of a militaristic government
    is not the way
    it is too much steeped in Destruction

    to make it look like they are not Violent
    their means for violating
    will be Deceptive
    Chemical Warfare

    i am very concerned, as are so Many
    that the Standing Rock community
    not be in Harm's Way

    which Is the Case

    this government is not skillful at Communicating in order to Resolve Problems
    nor are many in general

    can we not find a Meeting Place to Express and Listen
    and Creatively find steps and ideas that will meet needs

    Must there be a Stand Off
    and a Show Down ?

    it is all of our Choice
    yet we are not Conscious enough yet to realize this

    Resistence is bait for Aggression
    Aggression that practices condoning its reasons for Force and Violence

    is there not another way to interact with violent militant police and governing forces

    Let's create another format
    another Venue
    for solving problems

    one that is Trustworthy
    the State is not trustworthy in how to Communicate Sanely
    the Federal govenment, Obama's Promises to have the Indigenous People's Back
    is so far not showing up, therefore, where is the Trust?

    How to Show Up with Sanity
    which means via COMMUNICATION, words representing Ideas and Needs
    in order to Create Understanding
    in order to find Solutions~

    When will we ever Learn
    when will we ever Learn~
    ~Bob Dylan
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  15. Gratitude expressed by 4 members:

  16. TopTop #11

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    Thank you for your wisdom. It definitely beats feeling frustrated, angry, and helpless. It follows Sonija Grace's recent newsletter:
    "As we prepare for the golden era there will first be a great deal of darkness and our faith will be called upon to light the way. Let's make sure our vision for the future matches our feelings. When we send out a mixed signal to the universe we get a particle response matching the confusion of the message. For example, if you have the feeling 'we are doomed' but your heart says 'I am fighting for a better future for my children', you are creating a signal that you expect disaster and you will fight to manifest your future! The future unfolds with our vibrations matching like vibrations.

    Our hope keeps our energy in a higher frequency and helps to manifest the future we desire. I strongly suggest we all become one minded with a belief that we have never been separated from Source. This requires faith at the deepest level. May we live in a peaceful and healthy present and future for our planet and all life.
    Loving everyone around the World;
    Sonja Grace"

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by santoshimatajaya: View Post
    My concern is
    we are dealing here with Level of Consciousness...
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  17. Gratitude expressed by 6 members:

  18. TopTop #12
    santoshimatajaya's Avatar
    Supporting Member

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    we need to be Realistic

    In order to Accomplish something
    we need to orchestrate the action
    as something that Realistically Works

    Resisting does not usually work

    it is a statement yes,
    yet there is a Power Play going on
    as far as governments are concerned
    coupled with the Selfishness of Big Money, re: Oil

    and the power players are also the oil people

    so does this work?

    To me
    due to their mode of Violence,
    of not Caring if others are harmed
    this Does Not Work

    it is more of the same

    we need a New Modality
    a More Conscious Modality
    which is called Communicating
    If we need a courtroom, then so be it
    tho i am not in favor of court

    It is Simple
    putting one's life on the line
    in order to get Attention for Injustice
    is not really the way to create effective change

    they don't care
    harming and killing are part of their game

    why Play It?

    why collaborate in a System that is this Unconscious

    Bring the Issues to the Table

    Be Humane
    where words are the sharpest possible weapons
    rather than Deceptive invisible chemical warfare, Etc,
    condoned pepper spray and faux bullets

    it's all WAR

    Resoution does not take place via War
    which is why Darkness is again showing up

    we haven't Learned Yet

    We need to be able to file some kind of something CourtWise
    that stops the progress of building the Pipeline, in this case
    Until the Issue is Settled Via Talking

    The World is operating hypocritically

    Saying they are Lovingly Raising their Children
    and releasing them into a World that is not Caring, Minimally for Life
    be it one's nationality or another culture
    be it the Oil Industry or the Indigenous Folks
    we are all People
    no matter what side we are on

    It matters that we care as much for the 'other side
    as we do for those on 'our side'

    we need to learn how to Disagree
    and Continue to work through Issues
    no matter how long it takes

    and yes, this is deeper than this Logic

    it is a matter of Consciousness
    and the myriad levels of Consciousness
    and lack of Consciousness on the planet,
    in our lives

    so how to manage

    if we are taking good care of ourselves
    and committed to taking good care of the 'other side'
    we will find a way

    the money and power thing is False
    so how can it prevail
    at the same time
    putting oneself in a harsh climate
    with violent unconscious governing forces
    does not seem Realistic, Intelligent

    it is more of the same historical inhumane story
    replaying itself again

    i'm not in support of the Standing Rock scene
    because it is too high a risk Realistically
    and this is a Realistic Matter
    a Pipeline, Government

    this is not being gone about in a way that is Effective enough
    that is taking good care

    it is more of the violent Drama this planet is woven from
    Resisting needs to happen on a different level
    a higher level
    where the Ability to Communicate Prevails

    it is time to take a different Tact~

    Speaking up
    needs to become the artillery

    Making Sense


    not aggravating through Resistance at these Odds

    what is Realistically getting Accomplished

    our abilities to Engineer, Build, Create
    both physically and technically
    is a great example of 'getting things done'
    and using the best resources for doing so

    this scenario
    is not making use of the wisdom
    of how to Create Realistically

    we need to employ what it takes to resolve Conflict
    Peacefully, Sanely
    without the possibility of Warfare

    Resistance on this level
    invites Warfare in the face of government, corporations and their bonds

    this is a Co-Creation

    the Choices one makes
    is how the Creation unfolds

    there needs to be much more than Rebellion and Resistance

    there needs to be a Respectful Dialogue
    and a Container for holding it

    there need to be other options looked at
    other solutions possible

    How can this situation be resolved
    What besides this Pipeline as it is planned
    could happen instead?

    this scenario is not the Intelligent Choice
    to Create the needed Results: Conflict Resolution

    from my point of view~

    which is one of concern for the Well Being of those at Standing Rock~

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  20. TopTop #13
    american dream's Avatar
    american dream

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    Like others,I started spontaneously crying for joy hearing this. The power of love.
    Last edited by Manna; 12-05-2016 at 07:55 AM.
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  21. TopTop #14
    santoshimatajaya's Avatar
    Supporting Member

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    So Glad to be so Wrong
    Amazingly Beautiful
    Last edited by Manna; 12-05-2016 at 07:55 AM.
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  22. Gratitude expressed by 7 members:

  23. TopTop #15
    Scott McKeown's Avatar
    Scott McKeown

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    Julia's postings from Standing Rock in the last 24 hours, as of 10:00 PM Sunday.

    12 hrs

    Praying now with chief Arvol Looking Horse and hundreds of clergy and vets. The helicopters are flying overhead trying to disrupt.

    11 hrs

    Cornel West talking now: "Justice is what love looks like in public".

    11 hrs

    "We pray for those bitten by the black snake and all those who worship the black snake as their golden calf."

    11 hrs

    At the sacred fire, live feed not allowed. Many spiritual leaders from all over the planet. I am letting the profound energy move through me right now and trying to retain salient moments to share with you all later.

    11 hrs

    "To all of you here who are informers, we know your here. Bring out your microphones, you'll record the truth."

    11 hrs

    AIM movement leader, "We are mending the sacred hoop now. All of you here, this may never happen like this again. You are here to mend the hoop."

    10 hrs

    "You must learn to respect what is holy and sacred."

    10 hrs

    We are going to making a prayer circle around the entire camp.

    8 hrs

    Veterans are gathering. I am here with them at the frontline to document what is going on. Meanwhile the interfaith folks are still working on encircling the camp. I am trying to be witness to both major activities.

    7 hrs

    BREAKING NEWS!! They just announced at the sacred fire that the army corps of engineers has denied the permit for DAPL. I believe that means we have won.

    6 hrs

    All our prayers are working! It's un-

    38 mins

    Lots of stories and pics of today, will post when I can get to town and fire up my computer! The camp is crazy full and chaotic, but people a in a pretty good mood. Many people wonder if the news is for real or if it will be another broken promise. The leaders of the camp seem to believe it. Only time will tell for certain, but one thing is certain: we have made an impact and are not going away.
    Last edited by Barry; 12-05-2016 at 08:29 AM.
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  25. TopTop #16
    Sara S's Avatar
    Sara S
    Auntie Wacco

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    from The Press Democrat, 12/5:

    Solemn ‘Standing Rock’ march through Santa Rosa ends in celebration
    THE PRESS DEMOCRAT | December 4, 2016

    Hundreds solemnly marched through downtown Santa Rosa Sunday to the beat of traditional Native American drums and had arrived at a rallying point on B Street when word came that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers wouldn’t grant permits for the Dakota Access oil pipeline in southern North Dakota.

    Organizer Adam Villagomez stopped his speech and through a bullhorn read aloud an early news report about the Corps’ decision — an unexpected but much hoped for development in the effort to stop construction of a portion of the pipeline beneath a dammed part of the Missouri River. The protesters, a group that swelled to about 500 people near the Santa Rosa Plaza, cheered and cried.

    “This is a spiritual movement and we are warriors,” said Villagomez, 44, a Windsor resident who is Dakota Sioux and Chippewa.

    Villagomez set down the bullhorn as Aztec ceremonial dancers blew a resonant call from a conch shell. They danced. Incense wafted through the crowd. Passing motorists honked their horns.

    People from a variety of social justice groups aligned Sunday as Sonoma County Solidarity with Standing Rock to rally at Juilliard Park. They marched to the drums in a near-silent procession that wound through downtown and ended in front of Citibank on B Street to protest the company’s financial ties to the pipeline project.

    They carried U.S. flags, Earth flags and hand-painted signs reading “Water is Sacred” and “We Stand with Standing Rock.” With a bullhorn, a woman told the group she lodged a complaint with Citibank about its connection to the project. Then she took out a pair of scissors and cut her credit card into scraps.

    The Santa Rosa event was timed to coincide with the arrival in North Dakota of a coalition of about 2,000 military veterans at what has become a sprawling protest camp on the frozen prairie.

    The movement started last spring when a small group of Standing Rock Sioux tribal members established the Sacred Stone Camp in opposition to Energy Transfer Partners’ plan to build a pipeline near sacred burial sites and a source of drinking water for the tribe. The camp has since drawn thousands of supporters including members of other tribes from across the country.

    The Corps’ announcement is not a final blow to the planned route underneath Lake Oahe, a Missouri River reservoir. Federal officials said they would explore alternative routes and produce an environmental impact statement that would incorporate public input and official analysis.

    Still, the news turned the Santa Rosa protest into a celebration and news-sharing gathering.

    “My heart is full,” said Gloria Laflamme, a social worker who helped organize the event. She said the protest at Standing Rock combined two critically important issues: the environment and the civil rights of Native Americans.

    Cynthia Quinn, 43, of Windsor, a Yurok Indian tribal member who brought supplies to North Dakota in September, grabbed the bullhorn and read a statement from the protest front lines by Dallas Goldtooth, a comedian, activist and member of the Dakota and Diné tribes.

    “This is a win, a huge win,” Quinn said.

    The group disbanded about 2:45 p.m., three hours after they first began convening in Juilliard Park. Many hugged as they left.
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  27. TopTop #17
    santoshimatajaya's Avatar
    Supporting Member

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    my main concern is that the government, oil peopleneed a comprehensive solution
    for their Needs also to be met

    they are not going to,
    don't expect
    or imagine
    they will drop their project entirely to meet others' Needs

    Accountability needs to happen
    via the Enironmental Protection of a project such as theirs
    as do the needs of the close surrounding pre-existing communities

    Honestly i believe this is a tactic to end the protest

    Everything is Built on Trust

    i don't Trust them: government, police and oil companies

    they hava already demonstrated with their violence against the group
    where they are coming from
    their True Colors

    this is a Time in our Country's history of Great Deception

    Astrologically it is being played out through a planet called Rahu
    which is the North Node of the Moon
    America is in a Rahu Major Planetary Period, called Rahu Maha (Great) Dasa (Period) / Rahu MahaDasa

    which highlights sudden unexpected events, secrecy, deception
    as well as avante garde progressive creativity

    all is a Mix
    of positive and not positive

    it is one thing to think positively
    yet not naively

    one needs to be Realistic
    and positive

    rather than getting fooled
    due to one's lack of experience and skillfulness

    this to me seems like a way to end the protest
    and go back to the drawing board to refortify
    and prevent a future protest such as this powerful prayerful supported law abiding resistence
    that is gaining press and popularity
    it becomes a Movement
    which the government does not want~

    Deception is Skillfull
    tho Felt
    it takes time and repetition to catch onto~
    Last edited by Manna; 12-06-2016 at 06:40 AM.
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  29. TopTop #18
    santoshimatajaya's Avatar
    Supporting Member

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    Monday's Democracy Now
    features the Standing Rock Sioux Chairperson Dave Archambalt
    who confirms having had conversations the past two years
    with the Army Core of Engineers,
    plus the State Senators and Congressman
    and the oil pipeline company
    over the matter of preserving water, Sioux heritage and the environment at Standing Rock, ND

    This confirms that the Communication and Collaboration is Key

    He also sees this as an opportunity to help Mr. Trump Understand
    the concerns and point of view the Standing Rock community experiences
    A very eloquent, positive, neutral and excellent frame of mind and Heart
    for resolving conflict and preserving Well Being to Mother Earth and her Peoples and Creatures

    i now have much more Trust in the ongoing process
    which i was not aware of in my past posts on the matter

    Seems like the Army Core of Engineers and perhaps the federal government has stepped in
    to override the violence of the North Dakota Police and State authorities poor judgement and lack of integrity
    to use Force instead of the Communications
    already set in motion the previous two years

    another Witnessing of lack of Consciousness
    that resides and can preside over Humane Sanity and Equality
    when it comes to differing views, interests and Needs
    of Earth-Dwellers
    an everyday Reality and Challenge
    in the Art of Living~

    amidst Crisis of Fire and Loss of Lives (in our neighboring Oakland)
    the persistance of Peace and Prayer
    hold their own
    Rays of Warm Light Continue to Nourish~
    Last edited by Manna; 12-06-2016 at 06:40 AM.
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  30. Gratitude expressed by 4 members:

  31. TopTop #19
    Scott McKeown's Avatar
    Scott McKeown

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    Postings from Julia Bystrova in the last 24 hours, as of Monday 10:30 PM:

    13 hrs

    Powerful prayers this morning, many are staying, many not sure. Snowstorm coming in, already spent the morning checking in with chaplains and vets. Heard there was some unrest among some of them because they came for more action. Then went to check on a sick native woman and her daughter stuck in their tipi. Then some ladies had supplies that I had to help them with because they came in a Prius and I wanted to make sure they got out of here while they still could. This is not a place for a Prius!

    12 hrs

    It seems Great Spirit keeps extending my tour of duty here at the spiritual battlefield. It may be a battle was won but the war is not over.

    11 hrs

    The survival aspect of camping in this kind of conditions and weather brings everything up for people, good and challenging. But we are simply playing out the real survival that we are in as a species. SR is a laboratory for how we are going to make it. We must succeed.

    10 hrs

    Law enforcement appears to have pulled back at the bridge, though the barricades and wire remains. There is no way we can get to have direct sight of the drilling activity. We suspect they are still digging, but we cannot verify. The drill site is barricaded from sight.

    10 hrs

    Our camp has no intention of breaking up, the work continues. The work ahead is critical which includes verifying DAPL has pulled out but to also fight for the Lakota treaty rights. This land rightfully belongs to them. The other work is to be a leader in finding ways to wean ourselves off of oil!

    10 hrs

    Banks are being encouraged everywhere to divest from oil and into clean energy. 2 banks have been confirmed to now have done this, from the Netherlands. N. Europe leads the way again.

    8 hrs

    Hello Grandpa, my guardian spirit! Please fully activate those Russian genes you passed on to me, and made you survive such things as riding horseback across Siberia. We are in whiteout conditions, with an arctic freeze moving in. I am making extra space in my abode for emergency needs. Thank goodness for my Iceland wool sweater.

    7 hrs

    The truth is we need something to celebrate, to keep our spirits up, even if we understand that the fight continues on. This is all of our work, all of us who love the earth that is. Let's remember the little gratitudes and the successes along the way and be generous with our care for each other. In this way we keep us all inspired and going until we are free, free of the black snake, inside and out. Thank you all for your care and gratitude, I will tell you now it has kept me going. Thank you thank you thank you.

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  33. TopTop #20
    Stephen P

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    Thank you, Julia, for your courage, commitment and determination—I respect and admire you.
    Last edited by Manna; 12-06-2016 at 06:41 AM.
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  35. TopTop #21
    volksman's Avatar

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    Many many thanks Julia (and Scott) for you reports from SR. You have provided us your impressions with great sensitivity. I especially appreciate you awareness of complexity in the midst of struggle. This is a key mark of trustworthiness. Please take care of yourself as you care for others.
    volksman (Bob Parsons - Santa Rosa)
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  37. TopTop #22
    Scott McKeown's Avatar
    Scott McKeown

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    More selected postings directly from Standing Rock from Julia Bystrova in the last 24 hours as of 11:35 PM Tues 12/6:

    16 hrs

    Crazy wind chill. Everything is frozen solid. Was able to make it to my car and it started! Now I can get some juice for my phone to let you all know I'm still alive.

    16 hrs

    The camp feels strange right now. People are mostly dealing with this Arctic blizzard, but there has been a statement issued asking people to leave. Maybe it's a liability issue, I don't know. Something is off. I wasn't woken by the usual 5am call to prayer, but I heard it in my head. This is the time for prayer more than ever.

    13 hrs


    13 hrs

    Medics are sweeping through the camps, looking for those in need. Many people are leaving. The casino has been turned into a big barracks for all the vets.

    11 hrs

    DAPL appears to be reinforcing a mile behind the barricade. They are not letting up. Meanwhile, the order for folks to leave is for those who are not fully prepared for the conditions, who are not able or willing to help, and especially children and elders.

    8 hrs

    Things are calming down, people are getting cared for. Many folks have left but many are staying. This is a good test of our resilience. The people who have just come here because its 'cool', who were not prepared or are not looking at their white priviledge attitudes are getting a major reality check (to give an example overhead in the food line by a young white male to an elderly person "hey lady the lines over here, Ive already been waiting 30 minutes and they told me it would be 20!) Forgive me any irritation, I've had a long last few days. I am still asking Great Spirit what's next and forgive me my human shortcomings.

    8 hrs

    We are expecting to have the temp drop even further, maybe as much as 20 degrees(in other words, wind chill will take us to -25). The kind of cold that you can't have any skin exposed or it will freeze. This California girl is adjusting. I was asking folks around the fire if they were all ok, had a good place to sleep, etc. One woman said she was sleeping in her car. When I looked concerned, she said 'don't worry, I'm an Eskimo from Alaska". Smile.

    6 hrs

    Just heard directly from one if the main leaders of SR: they are asking mainly those who are ill prepared or are not contributing to leave. There are too many using up important resources such as wood.
    Last edited by Manna; 12-07-2016 at 06:27 AM.
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  38. Gratitude expressed by 7 members:

  39. TopTop #23

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    Thanks so much for being there for all of us, Julia and it sounds like you're not leaving, yhe gathering is not dispersing. Stay warm!

    Blessings, Lilith
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  41. TopTop #24
    Scott McKeown's Avatar
    Scott McKeown

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    .Julia's postings from Standing Rock in the last 24 hours (as of 10:52 PM Wed. 12/7)

    15 hrs

    Note to self: no, you cannot just run out to your car for a minute without putting all your gear on and gloves.

    15 hrs

    I'm at the casino where many of the vets are sheltered and numerous others stranded by the weather. What an amazing gathering of souls. I doubt there will ever be such an event again like this. Last night the Sioux did a beautiful ceremony where they gifted every vet there with an eagle feather, a very high honor.

    13 hrs

    DAPL is building a military base at the drill site.
    Last edited by Bella Stolz; 12-08-2016 at 12:00 PM.
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  43. TopTop #25
    Scott McKeown's Avatar
    Scott McKeown

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    .Julia Bystrova's postings and photos from Standing Rock in the last 24 hours, as of 9:54 PM Thurs. 12/8

    12 hrs

    Some pics of the big weekend. Vets gathering, coming in on huge buses, bugler playing, groups gathering, etc. It was epic and sheer chaos but amazing. I was having problems with my camera, or I would have had a lot more videos.

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    10 hrs

    Random moment: two starry eyed worn came into camp, handed me a pair of mittens and said they were
    Handmade and blessed with the violet flame.
    Last edited by Bella Stolz; 12-09-2016 at 01:21 PM.
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  44. TopTop #26
    Scott McKeown's Avatar
    Scott McKeown

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    .Julia Bystrova's most recent postings from Standing Rock
    December 8 at 9:56pm

    We are at the front lines of humanity vs fossil fuel consumer culture. This is real, this is tough. We don't assume it will go down easy. But we must win or we all lose. No more wiggle room. Not only must we keep praying and standing in the clean certainty of what must be. We are being asked, urged, to practice in our everyday lives what it means to be free, free of our addiction to oil, to hatred, to conflict.

    December 8 at 9:58pm

    I have been kept busy by numerous rescue missions that keep getting assigned to me by Spirit.

    December 8 at 10:20pm

    The cold is seeping into my bones but how can I leave when so many of my comrades are digging in for the winter and willing to brave it? I really don't want to be in -60 degree weather, which is what one resident tells me will happen.

    13 hrs

    " a true sign of spiritual resilience to be grateful when times are hard." Join us.

    13 hrs

    There are so many dogs running around here. I bought a bag of dog biscuits so i can hand them out as I go. May our 4-leggeds feel warm, safe and well cared for. Its cold for them too!

    13 hrs

    Many people stranded waiting to find rides hither and yon. I have been shuttling folks and its a great way to hear a great variety of stories. Now to just remember them all and get them written before I forget! _______________________________________________________________________________________
    Last edited by Bella Stolz; 12-10-2016 at 01:30 PM.
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  46. TopTop #27
    Scott McKeown's Avatar
    Scott McKeown

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    Julia's latest postings from Standing Rock in the last 24 hours.

    21 hrs

    Standing Rock's Medic camp has splinted at least a dozen broken bones, stitched numerous wounds, helped with countless respiratory issues, seizures, cardiac arrests, hypothermia and a long list of other ailments. The herbalists have kept the teas going, the specialized tinctures and have been attending to a steady stream of people. There have been some of the most talented, compassionate and experienced healers here I have ever seen; doctors, nurses, paramedics, acupuncturists, chiropractors, Chinese medicine doctors, midwives, natrupaths, craniosacral practitioners, energy workers, spiritual healers, ministers and shamans, and all types of massage modalities helping people with their body pain.

    Our counselors have helped de-escalate countless crisis situations, calmed camp dramas, soothed anxious nerves, kept people from hurting themselves or each other. We have done it without anyone from the outside systems coming in to 'save us'. Many of our native clients have never received such care, and most never had such extra care as massage or acupuncture or counseling.

    I have had my heart broken here every single day seeing the things people have gone through and are going through to be here. Many natives from the other reservations have also come just to use our services, because they can't get them elsewhere. All free of charge.

    The allopathic, alternative, herbal, mental, emotional care all working in tandem is exactly what we need to be doing out there in the "real world". Well, actually, this is the real world. We are midwives for a new way, and we are healing our historical trauma, personal trauma, patriarchy, racism, addictions, and so much more. I have worked alongside all races, all sexual orientations, all religions and cultures. Standing Rock is a messy stew of healing in a larger messy stew of healing.

    Things often get worse before they get better, especially as we detox such huge things from our consciousness. May a new way for our country be birthed here. We will not let the black snake, or Trump, or scared and hostile police, or anything, deter this vision. In fact we must hold to it even more, to 'dig in' as they say.

    Thanks for following me on this post and joining me on this path. Blessings all.

    20 hrs

    I think I'm coming back for a bit. Really really hard to leave. My heart is so torn. But the polar front is coming in, the immediate future of the camp is uncertain and I think I need to regroup and prepare for the next step. I also need to write these stories down while they are fresh. I have enough material to keep me going for awhile! You'll be seeing some of the stories here and on our camp website

    12 hrs

    North Dakota is a frozen tundra landscape with abandoned cars that have slipped off the roads at fairly regular intervals.

    7 hrs

    I can share my prayer at the sacred fire last night because it was for all of us, all of us ordinary heroes connecting into this extraordinary time, that we each feel the clarity of sight and courage to go forward, that our hearts be healed and made clean. Clean enough that we cannot be bought or swayed by lies and greed. Clean that we stand in our fierce innocence and speak for the truth, no matter what. I love you.

    Last edited by Barry; 12-12-2016 at 02:07 PM.
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  47. TopTop #28
    Scott McKeown's Avatar
    Scott McKeown

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    It appears Julia is making her way back to West County from Standing Rock. Here are her postings in the last day since the previous ones above.

    14 hrs

    My life has been forever affected by all that I have witnessed at Standing Rock. I have seen the best of humanity and also the worst. I have seen the legacy of the oppressive forces of colonialism on the indigenous spirit. I have seen trauma, drama and intrigue all against the backdrop of a self organizing village built on generosity and visionary passion. I have been charged with bringing seeds of what we are doing to our community, to join with my fellow spirit warriors until the battle is won. And to share the stories.

    4 hrs

    You know you've been in the cold when you get to snowy Wyoming and find it warm.

    Last edited by Scott McKeown; 12-12-2016 at 11:28 PM.
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  49. TopTop #29
    Scott McKeown's Avatar
    Scott McKeown

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    UPDATE -- As of this evening Julia has arrived back home in Sebastopol having driven straight from Standing Rock. I am trying to organize an event where Julia can share in person her personal experiences of living at the main Standing Rock camp for the last many weeks. Please stand by for more details.

    In the meantime, here are Julia's latest postings about her experience at Standing Rock.

    2 hrs

    To truly understand the spirit of Standing Rock, you have to connect with the beating burning heart of the whole camp-- the sacred fire. The sacred fire is a ceremonial fire, lit and maintained in a traditional way. It is kept burning 24/7 and is there for our prayers. People can come day or night to take a pinch of tobacco, sage or cedar, make their prayers and then offer them to the fire. The smoke from the burning offering is the way those prayers are taken to the Spirit, to be heard. We walk clockwise around the fire and are not allowed to take a picture of it, to eat by it, or to burn anything other than the offerings. The prayer space from many thousands of prayers is potent. Songs and speeches too numerous to count have been given by the fire.

    Many great spiritual leaders from all over the world have sat by its warmth. We would be awakened every morning at 5am over a loudspeaker to come to the fire and join in prayer "Relatives, join us!". There were many different songs with powerful drumming. People would slowly, groggily, shuffle in and join in the morning songs and ceremonies performed at the fire. So many beautiful souls braving the cold to come and connect their hearts. It kept us together and kept us going, especially when some of us thought we could not. The day after the big cold hit, and the message went out that the camp was 'closing', I did not hear the call to prayer. There was a strange energy that had come over the camp. I will say more about that time in another post, It was painful and sad.

    Yet even with the sound of howling winds all around me, I was still awakened at 5am with a booming voice, only this time it was within my own head: "Relatives! Join us!" Now I carry the sacred fire within me. May it never go out.

    58 mins

    On Dec 4th, the camp had swelled to many thousands, with veterans, spiritual leaders, warriors, scholars, and activists of all sorts. We showed our solidarity and I believe DAPL did get scared, There were speeches, ceremonies, marches. The vets were ready to confront the mace, the hoses, the rubber bullets. But then the Army Corps said that they denied the permit. We sang and shouted for joy. But something was off. Many of us who tuned into the deeper layers of what is happening felt it. I now speak from my own opinion, though it is shared by many others, that the announcement was perhaps a strategy to distract and disperse, or at least used that way. Many people left, thinking there was nothing more to do. it flattened the momentum of the crowd. Meanwhile, DAPL has continued to drill and has built its barricades and base to an even greater degree. They are using every trick in the book. The oldest one is divide and conquer. Our camp has lessened now, due to all the messages and the extreme weather conditions. Yet there are still many who will not leave until DAPL is gone, pulled out, GONE. The hardcore among us remain, meanwhile, the front lines are now the financial ones. We must unplug the way the black snake feeds. We will not back down. There is no spiritual surrender!!

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    Last edited by Barry; 12-13-2016 at 11:26 AM.
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  50. Gratitude expressed by 4 members:

  51. TopTop #30

    Re: Julia Bystrova's postings from Standing Rock

    Thanks for posting these report back from Julia for us, Scott. So vivid. I hope she'll give us a report in person when she gets back. Maybe at the Grange.

    blessings, Lilith
    Last edited by Barry; 12-13-2016 at 11:13 AM.
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