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  1. TopTop #1
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Koenigshofer doesn't run! Race is Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins (so far) for 5th Dist Supe

    Interestingly, it doesn't mention why he decided not to run. It could well be he prefers to be an advisor/aide to Lynda Hopkins. Or perhaps he just ducked a very tough fight.


    Eric Koenigshofer withdraws from Sonoma County Board of Supervisors race, backs Lynda Hopkins

    GUY KOVNER THE PRESS DEMOCRAT | February 17, 2016, 6:17PM

    Occidental attorney Eric Koenigshofer announced Wednesday that he will not seek to regain the seat he held 35 years ago on the Board of Supervisors, narrowing the highly competitive race to represent the west Sonoma County district.

    Koenigshofer, a 5th District resident for more than four decades, endorsed political newcomer Lynda Hopkins.

    Koenigshofer, 66, had been silent for three weeks since Supervisor Efren Carrillo ended the suspense over his plans by announcing that he would not seek a third term. A close political advisor during Carrillo’s first campaign for office at age 27, Koenigshofer had previously said he would run if Carrillo did not.

    Instead, he appears to be reprising his role as a political kingmaker by backing Hopkins, a 32-year-old organic farmer from Forestville making her first bid for office.

    “I like Lynda and I’m convinced her age and energy and vision of the future are reflective of what I’d like to see out there,” Koenigshofer said. He said he had spent 10 to 12 hours in a half-dozen meetings with Hopkins over the past few months “discussing issues and getting to know her.”

    With Koenigshofer’s backing and an endorsement from north county Supervisor James Gore, Hopkins looms as the primary rival to Noreen Evans, 60, a political heavyweight who served a decade in the state Legislature before returning to her private law practice.

    Evans, who has solid support from organized labor and environmentalists, also has endorsements from Santa Rosa area Supervisor Shirlee Zane, a friend and political ally, and Sonoma Valley Supervisor Susan Gorin, who, like Evans, is a former Santa Rosa councilwoman.

    Evans’ recent move from her east Santa Rosa home to Sebastopol to be eligible to run in the 5th District opens her to the criticism Koenigshofer expressed, saying he rejects “the idea of district-shopping that undermines the integrity of local government.”

    Five other potential candidates are eying the race, all of whom would likely have difficulty competing in an election that experts say will cost between $100,000 and $300,000 to win. Evans can likely raise as much as $500,000, said David McCuan, a Sonoma State University political scientist.

    Koenigshofer, who was elected to the board in 1976, recalled being part of the environmental majority — with former Supervisors Helen Rudee and Brian Kahn — that adopted the county’s first General Plan, a codified approach to managing development.

    Hopkins “isn’t easily pigeon-holed” as either a business or environmental advocate, Koenigshofer said, but “has the potential to take us beyond that to a more nuanced” approach to governing.

    Koenigshofer said he has played a role in electing the west county supervisor ever since his lone term ended, backing his successor, Ernie Carpenter, in 1980, losing his own race with Mike Reilly in 1996 and supporting Carrillo in 2008.

    You can reach Staff Writer Guy Kovner at 521-5457 or [email protected].
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  3. TopTop #2
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: Koenigshofer doesn't run! Race is Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins (so far) for 5th Dist

    Now that Eric Koenigshofer isn't running, it seems like the race is going to be between Lynda Hopkins and Noreen Evans. [Edit/Correction: Jack Piccinini is also running, see post below]
    [Edit 2: Also Sergent: ]

    This is going to be interesting, and has the potential to be circular firing squad, since both candidates are clearly on the progressive side of the world. The upside of that is that "we" can't lose!

    Noreen is a former Santa Rosa council member and was in the state legislature for 10 years.

    But who is Lynda Hopkins??

    Here's a good introductory video produced by her campaign:

    Lynda Hopkins & family
    And here is the PD's article when she declared her candidacy in November.

    Sounds good, but she is a lightweight on experience, especially as compared to Noreen. However, her heart seems to be in the right place and she is a co-owner of Foggy River Farm, an organic CSA!

    There is at least one point of concern, in my opinion: Eric Koenigshofer, Efren's close aid, endorsed Lynda yesterday. That's not all-together damning, but it does raise some concern. It may be just that she needed some seasoned political advice and he was available, whereas Noreen probably already has any help she may need.

    Lynda is also endorsed by 4th District Supervisor, James Gore. I don't know much about him, but I do know he ran against Deb Fudge, who seemed to be the favorite of the progressive community.

    If you want to find out more about Lynda, check her website at

    Lynda is kicking off her campaign next thursday, Feb 25th, at the Sebastopol Center for the Arts (former Vets Building) at 5:30. More info here. I plan to be there!
    Last edited by Barry; 02-20-2016 at 08:54 PM.
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  5. TopTop #3
    beshiva's Avatar

    Re: Koenigshofer doesn't run! Race is Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins (so far) for 5th Dist

    simply knowing who Koenigshofer supports, with the blessing of Carrillo also behind the scenes, makes me sick. as if either of those two have any credibility! Sell-Outs
    Last edited by Barry; 02-19-2016 at 01:44 PM.
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  7. TopTop #4
    Michael Anthony

    Re: Koenigshofer doesn't run! Race is Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins (so far) for 5th Dist

    Jack Piccinini is also running for 5th District Supervisor. Here is a link to a Press Democrat article announcing his candidacy: Jack Piccinini, veteran Santa Rosa firefighter, enters Sonoma County supervisor race.
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  9. TopTop #5

    Re: Koenigshofer doesn't run! Race is Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins (so far) for 5th Dist

    What are the candidates' specific plans for increasing affordable housing?
    Specifically, do any of the candidates support owners of rural property building small or medium-sized housing made of natural materials on their land?
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  11. TopTop #6
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: Koenigshofer doesn't run! Race is Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins (so far) for 5th Dist

    This question seems like it would be best asked directly of the candidates, if it's not apparent in their campaigns.
    If anyone has seen this information published, please share it.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Jeremy Goldberg: View Post
    What are the candidates' specific plans for increasing affordable housing?
    Specifically, do any of the candidates support owners of rural property building small or medium-sized housing made of natural materials on their land?
    Last edited by Bella Stolz; 02-20-2016 at 02:15 PM.
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  12. TopTop #7
    Ernieman's Avatar

    Re: Koenigshofer doesn't run! Race is Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins (so far) for 5th Dist

    Well, one candidate may be more progressve than the other. Hopkins is an unknown except she was encouraged and supported by the Fourth District Supervisor James Gore, to move into the district nine months ago and run for Supervisor. Many of Gore's people are supporting her campaign today. She was immediately endorsed by the pro-development Sonoma County Alliance and the development money will flow to her. We need someone who can stand up to Supervisor Gore and get our share of road money for instance.

    Noreen Evans can hit the road running and reestablish a pro-progressive and human being oriented Board of Supervisors Her track record representing the District is excellent on City Council and in the legislature. She will preserve the land use form we have created while addressing real problems.

    There may only be one progressive and one knda' progressive unknown wine industry person beholding to the Fourth District Supervisor without any experience finding her way in a sea of hungry Supervisors. Hungry for their own needs, not the Fifth District needs That is why I am supporting Noreen Evans.

    From Barry: Lynda's response will be in tomorrow's digest...
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  14. TopTop #8
    Farmer Lynda's Avatar
    Farmer Lynda

    Re: Koenigshofer doesn't run! Race is Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins (so far) for 5th Dist

    Ernie ~

    As the inimitable Mark Twain once said, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." Your statement fell almost entirely into the second category.

    Let me address some parts of your statement:

    1). Am I an unknown? Yes, and no. I'm an unknown/newcomer to the political leadership circles you have frequented for years. I've never had the disposable income to attend the crab feeds and fundraisers that are part of daily political life, so not many "political" people know me. I absolutely understand your hesitance to embrace a "newcomer." However, I've been a grassroots policy advocate on behalf of small-scale sustainable farming ever since we started our farm. I've led local non-profits. I've worked hard both in the fields and in public meetings to support an affordable, sustainable local food system. I've been a community journalist, and while I always tried to be unbiased in my reporting, you can probably get a sense of my perspective from the hundreds of articles I've written on land use, agriculture, and community healthcare over the years. I have a master's degree in land use policy, and an undergraduate degree in coastal land use... The far-left environmentalist majors at Stanford. And yes, I'm an organic farmer. Surely those things say something about my progressive values!

    2) James Gore encouraged me to move into the district?! Really? That's news to me, my husband, and my entire family. This is an utterly fantastic lie. I purchased a house in Forestville, the closest town to our farm, before I'd ever met James Gore. The thought of moving us all somewhere for political purposes is laughable! (Dude. I have two small kids. Have you ever tried moving houses with a toddler and an infant? It's a special circle of hell.) My family has farmed in West County for nine years. Yes, our farm is just across the river from District 5 -- so while it's geographically west county, it's politically District 4. (Look at a map... district lines are funny... we're in an odd cutout.)
    Anyway, we've been looking for a home of our own nearby for a long time. When we moved, we didn't care what political district we were moving into: just that we would continue to be part of the community we've always been in, and that we'd be within close commuting distance of our farm.

    3) Is one candidate more progressive than the other? How would you know? You won't even give me the time of day! Many of the older generation progressive folks in Sonoma County have refused to meet with me because I'm daring to run against their favored candidate. As a result, I am really only eligible to receive "the other side" endorsements. I'm surprised, and honored, to have received the support of the business community; the fact that they are supporting a young organic farmer I think speaks to their open-mindedness... not a lack of progressivism on my part. I understand agriculture from the ground up, and can speak the language of the small business owner because I've been one for 9 years. I believe that is what earned me the endorsement of the Alliance -- which incidentally is comprised not just of big business, but of lots of small businesses like mine as well as non-profit organizations.

    4) Hungry for my own needs? What does that even mean? I'm hungry for change. Y'all have had 30+ years to solve the problems that we are facing today. I know it's not easy to solve these problems... But the fact is, we are having the same conversations about what to do with Occidental wastewater that we were having 20-30 years ago. At one point, there could have been a regional wastewater treatment system in the lower Russian River, including a pipe that would have carried effluent out of Occidental. Assuming you're Ernie Carpenter, as I understand it, you killed that deal because of unfounded fears that it would spur development. And as a result, we're going to be forced to send dozens of trucks bearing 5,000 gallons of effluent from Occidental to Guerneville every single day.... resulting in greenhouse gas emissions and significant damage to our failing road infrastructure. Not to mention the potential for an ecosystem-damaging sewage spill. Is that the environmentally progressive thing to do? Because it's a direct result of your "progressive" environmental policy. (Please correct me if I'm wrong; this is what I was told by a few different people at a wastewater meeting in Occidental a while back.)

    Finally: If you are concerned that I'm not tough enough to stand up to "the sea of hungry supervisors," I weigh 120lbs and have tackled a full grown alpaca... faced down bulls... lifted a 200-lb goat onto the milk stand. Farmers are a tough bunch, and I can assure you I'm no shrinking violet. Get to know me, and I think you'll find I'm plenty tough. You should see me with a shovel, and as you know, there's plenty of manure that needs shoveling in County government! :)

    And a request: Please stop spreading lies about me. That the so-called "progressive" community is throwing another progressive candidate under the bus simply because I haven't been at your events for the last 9 years... says more about you than it does about me. It's time to move beyond this toxicity and towards a better Sonoma County politics. Can we have debates about policy and vision and leadership style, rather than spreading rumors and hate?

    Your 5th District Candidate,
    Lynda Hopkins

    PS: As I've been out on the campaign trail, people keep advising me to stop being so candid, and also that candidates for Supervisor should never swear. That said... to hell with this "us versus them" crap! And to hell with making up and spreading lies about good people. I'm not going around saying negative things about Noreen, and I would be appalled if my supporters treated her the way that you're treating me. Ernie, I encourage you -- and your kin -- to stand for Noreen, rather than against me. There's a difference.
    Last edited by Barry; 02-21-2016 at 03:26 PM.
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  15. TopTop #9
    scamperwillow's Avatar

    Re: Koenigshofer doesn't run! Race is Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins (so far) for 5th Dist

    Also a guy named Tim Sergent:

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Michael Anthony: View Post
    Jack Piccinini is also running for 5th District Supervisor. Here is a link to a Press Democrat article announcing his candidacy: Jack Piccinini, veteran Santa Rosa firefighter, enters Sonoma County supervisor race.
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  17. TopTop #10
    scamperwillow's Avatar

    Re: Koenigshofer doesn't run! Race is Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins (so far) for 5th Dist

    To get these answers, follow the candidates web sites and Facebook pages, attend their events, invite them to speak with you. You missed a wonderful campaign kickoff event for Noreen Evans at the Grange on Saturday night where you would have learned a lot about her.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Jeremy Goldberg: View Post
    What are the candidates' specific plans for increasing affordable housing?
    Specifically, do any of the candidates support owners of rural property building small or medium-sized housing made of natural materials on their land?
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  18. TopTop #11
    scamperwillow's Avatar

    Re: Koenigshofer doesn't run! Race is Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins (so far) for 5th Dist

    It's also useful to know that 70% of 5th district voters voted for Noreen Evans in her last election. Doesn't sound like she is unknown to the voters in any way.
    Last edited by Barry; 02-20-2016 at 08:57 PM.
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  19. TopTop #12
    Ernieman's Avatar

    Re: Koenigshofer doesn't run! Race is Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins (so far) for 5th Dist

    "You can fool some of the people some of the time...." (anon. but attributed to Lincoln)

    Candidate Hopkins,
    Thank you for responding. I admire that you are a mother with two children. There was nothing in my comments that were personal or disparaging to that in any way. You can obviously live where you want to. I apologize if you inferred differently from my post.

    Firstly, and you know this, I am supporting Noreen Evan, campaigning for her. She will protect my land use values and the values of the community. I am not on any committee but I have given her money.

    On your behalf, I was contacted by one of Mr. Gore's friends to support you early on and I declined to support you and stated I was already committed to Noreen Evans. I simply did not want to take your time. If you interpreted that as a slight in any way I apologize. I knew you were a good person but was already committed.

    You cannot refute you moved into the Fifth District and bought a home within the last twelve months. When did you register to vote in the Fifth? Your campaign first caught my attention by referring to Senator Evans as a "carpet baggar" and in a political sense, that makes you fair game. Not so laughable to me that the Fourth District from whence you recently came is meddling in the Fifth District election.

    A little shocked a Supervisor candidate would listen to innuendo and rumor from 20 years past regarding sewer solutions. Much more complicated then rumor and too much at stake. I will correct your unhealthy assertion that I blocked a "regional sewer pipeline" from Occidental to Guerneville. Quite the opposite, I promoted a regional sewer solution and bringing fresh water back to Occidental from the Russian River, a two way exchange. It was also an eventual solution for flatland Monte Rio as well. The "opposition" was posted by the residents of Camp Meeker, Occidental, Monte Rio, and Guerneville. An huge EIR would have been required. Guerneville disposal area would have to be increased-e.g buy lots of hillside land, ponds constructed in the flood plane. These communities did not support a regional solution and they were very clear. I supported Forestville and Graton to be Regional, the pipes were in place, and that broke apart by a vote of the people. Supervisor Reilly fared no better with Casini Ranch.

    So, I advise you to bone up for the next regional sewer debate.Perhaps Guerneville will support taking Occidental's and Camp Meekers sewage in 2016, at your suggestion, if they can afford it.

    Less interested in your "manure shoveling" abilities and alpaca wrestling, was more interested in how your experience stacks up to deal with the complexities of a system established to govern thirty six million people in California while preserving our local General Plan, Coastal Plan and land use form. I know Noreen can hit the ground running.
    Ernie Carpenter

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Farmer Lynda: View Post
    Ernie ~

    As the inimitable Mark Twain once said, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." Your statement fell almost entirely into the second category....
    Last edited by Barry; 02-23-2016 at 02:30 PM.
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  21. TopTop #13
    Michael Anthony

    Re: Koenigshofer doesn't run! Race is Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins (so far) for 5th Dist

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Ernieman: View Post
    Firstly, and you know this, I am supporting Noreen Evan, campaigning for her.
    Bravo to Lynda Hopkins for having the courage and confidence to stand up and speak for herself here on Wacco, something that Noreen Evans has not done.
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  23. TopTop #14
    Michael Anthony

    Re: Koenigshofer doesn't run! Race is Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins (so far) for 5th Dist

    "The class of citizens who provide at once their own food and their own raiment, may be viewed as the most truly independent and happy. They are more: they are the best basis of public liberty, and the strongest bulwark of public safety. It follows, that the greater proportion of this class to the whole society, the more free, the more independent, and the more happy must be the society itself."
    [James Madison (author of the Bill of Rights) in a letter to the National Gazette published 5 March 1792.]

    If he were alive today and living in the 5th District, James Madison would in all likelihood endorse Lynda Hopkins.
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  25. TopTop #15
    sharingwisdom's Avatar

    Re: Koenigshofer doesn't run! Race is Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins (so far) for 5th Dist

    Thank you so much for allowing this community board to get to know you better. I loved our 'chutzpah' and the way you expressed yourself, your directness and clarity of mission. I appreciate all that it's taken to really consider how to balance a life of a farmer, mother, wife, community activist and political candidate in wanting to be of service at this time. Deep gratitude for speaking up in new energy!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Farmer Lynda: View Post
    Ernie ~ As the inimitable Mark Twain once said, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." Your statement fell almost entirely into the second category...
    Last edited by Bella Stolz; 02-22-2016 at 01:30 PM.
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  27. TopTop #16
    beshiva's Avatar

    Re: Koenigshofer doesn't run! Race is Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins (so far) for 5th Dist

    i too wrote to Ms. Hopkins. Great, go for it i said... And, i love her response to Ernie Carpenter, X-Supervisor who sold us out long ago. Still, talk is cheap.
    And, the endorsements of the likes of Koenigshofer, Carrillo, Gore do not give me confidence whatsoever that she wouldn't be Just Like Them---i..e. sell outs.
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  29. TopTop #17

    Re: Koenigshofer doesn't run! Race is Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins (so far) for 5th Dist

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Michael Anthony: View Post
    Bravo to Lynda Hopkins for having the courage and confidence to stand up and speak for herself here on Wacco, something that Noreen Evans has not done.
    I had a different reaction. When I read Ms Hopkins' response, I had to go back and reread Ernie's post to see if I had missed something. I thought it was pretty mild, and her reaction to be out of proportion. A simple factual declaration would seem to me to be more appropriate; instead she came out with guns blazing. Perhaps it is the deplorable example set by candidates at the national level that makes people think that local politics should be carried on in this way, but I cannot help feeling that it would be much better to maintain some restraint. To me this response indicates a level of what I might term hot-headedness that is out of place in public affairs.

    I should say that I am not indicating support (or rejection) of any candidate by these comments, but in this particular instance, if I might be allowed a quote of my own "Methinks the lady doth protest too much."

    Patrick Brinton
    Last edited by Bella Stolz; 02-22-2016 at 01:31 PM.
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  31. TopTop #18
    sheepdog's Avatar

    Re: Koenigshofer doesn't run! Race is Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins (so far) for 5th Dist

    I am glad to see a young qualified woman with a small business background and a family who is willing to enter the world of politics and speak the truth as she sees it, and is apparently not intimidated by the old guard of local politicians.

    Since it is apparent that both Noreen and Lynda have recently taken up residence in the 5th District, whatever the reasons, maybe it's time to put the "carpet bagger" non-issue to rest. There are more important things to consider than that.

    Tom Trent
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  33. TopTop #19
    Farmer Lynda's Avatar
    Farmer Lynda

    Re: Koenigshofer doesn't run! Race is Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins (so far) for 5th Dist

    I'm running around getting ready for our kickoff event this Thursday, so I'll try to keep this short... And if anyone has any questions, feel free to text me at 483 0443, Facebook message me, or drop by one of our events to talk in person. I can't correct every piece of misinformation people are putting out there, but at least you'll know where to find me to fact-check!

    Ernie -- I appreciate you taking the time to respond, and I apologize if I mischaracterized your involvement in the sewer debate. It was not innuendo or rumor that I was basing my summary on, but a meeting that took place a few months ago between the County and sewer system users in Occidental.

    My campaign has never referred to anyone as a "carpet bagger." It would appear that another rumor has been started in order to "make me fair game" to attack.

    I haven't spent my whole life wrestling alpacas (although I'd definitely enjoy challenging you to an alpaca-wrestling or goat-milking match sometime.) Ever since I started farming in the Russian River Valley nine years ago, I've been observing and advocating for County-level policy as a journalist, an executive director, and a grassroots activist. I'm quite familiar with County level government.

    I've been growing vegetables in the Russian River Valley for 9 years. Forestville is the closest town to our farm. We sell at the Sebastopol Farmers Market, volunteer at the Gravenstein Apple Fair. You can split hairs, but I'm not new to the area.

    However, I'm also not a career politician. I don't have decades of inside-the-system political experience. If that is what you are seeking in your next Supervisor, I am obviously not the candidate for you, and I respect your position.

    I do believe there is value to a grassroots advocacy perspective, which is one of the reasons I'm running. More importantly, I believe choice is always a good thing, especially when it comes to democracy. Choice can encourage new ideas, force all candidates to become stronger, and provide the possibility of future collaboration. What's not to love?

    Going forward, let's work to keep it positive and stop the rumor mill. If you have any questions about me, just reach out... I'm right here.

    Cheers, Lynda

    PS: One of my favorite comics of all time seems especially relevant to this conversation:
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  35. TopTop #20
    Ernieman's Avatar

    Re: Koenigshofer doesn't run! Race is Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins (so far) for 5th Dist

    Candidate Hopkins,
    As long as you understand that I have in no way criticized your values, ability to choose, your farming, your family, children, grass roots, your goats and alpacas, your pets, and the fact that you are running for Supervisor, I can put this to bed. I criticized the fact your campaign was engaging in a double standard by calling your opponent and my chosen candidate a "carpet baggar" when you recently moved into the District yourself. This is different than "I have been around the area" and is definitely not hair splitting. It speaks to a double standard.You summarized that your campaign did not do name calling and I will accept that for now. I hope you can influence your Independent Expenditure Committees (IE's) in the future. Then I can be positive!

    No. I don't want an "insider" as you say or an outsider, for that matter. I want someone who hit-the-ground-running and get our roads fixed; stand up to other Supervisors on land use; protect and fix our small communities; cares about unions; and, is not green to how government works. I choose experience and common values over inexperience and unknown values, particularly when you were endorsed by the pro-development Sonoma County Alliance and the Fourth District Supervisor. Our experience with the last imported learn-on-the-job Supervisor did not go well.

    Lastly, your debate is with your opponent, not me. I will call it as I see it and you can obviously do the same. I will be involved in the campaign and my motivation is to protect the Fifth District land use form we have created. When I see pro-development forces and money circling your campaign, I will speak out. There is nothing in this debate that gives me confidence you are independent of the Fourth District, developers and corporate agri-business.

    As to goat milking, Supervisor Helen Rudee handily beat me in a Goat Milking contest at the Sonoma County Fair in 1983, and I was on top of my game. Thanks, it was great fun but I know my limitations. I'll stick to my garden, pot bellied pigs and political debate. I leave goat milking and alpaca wrestling to those who know something about it.
    Ernie Carpenter
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  37. TopTop #21
    twodogs's Avatar

    Re: Koenigshofer doesn't run! Race is Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins (so far) for 5th Dist

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Ernieman: View Post
    ...As to goat milking, Supervisor Helen Rudee handily beat me in a Goat Milking contest at the Sonoma County Fair in 1983, ...
    Smart move Ernie, you may be past your prime in the goat milking arena but I think you should challenge Farmer Linda to a slinging the bull contest. My money would be on you. Always love reading and hearing what you have to say.
    Last edited by Barry; 02-24-2016 at 03:52 PM.
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