Sam Harris Prefers Ben Carson's Foreign Policy To Noam Chomsky's

Published on Nov 24, 2015
Sam Harris recently did a podcast with Douglas Murray. He talked about President Obama’s approach to Syria. He also mentioned Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, and Noam Chomsky. Cenk Uygur, hosts of the The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

"During a discussion on whether the U.S. should allow Syrian refugees into the county, neuroscientist and atheism advocate Sam Harris continued his personal jihad with author Noam Chomsky while finding common cause with Christian conservative GOP presidential candidates who want to keep the refugees out.

In his podcast interview with author Douglas Murray, Harris lamented the “demagoguery on both sides” by the political parties, while accusing President Barack Obama of being “politically stupid” in the way he addresses the threat of Islamic fanaticism. Harris did have kind words for Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz, despite admitting that he is a “religious maniac.’

It was toward the end of the broadcast that Harris had to take a shot at author Chomsky with whom he has had a running battleover ideology and political worldviews.

“Given a choice between Noam Chomsky and Ben Carson, in terms of the totality of their understanding of what’s happening now in the world, I’d vote for Ben Carson every time,” Harris stated. “Ben Carson is a dangerously deluded religious imbecile, Ben Carson does not…the fact that he is a candidate for president is a scandal…but at the very least he can be counted on to sort of get this one right. He understands that jihadists are the enemy.” ”*

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