Imagine going to a health clinic and having an ultrasound under the insistence of staff only to be told that your IUD was actually your baby.

That’s just one of the horrifying examples NARAL Pro-Choice California discovered during their year-long undercover investigation of crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) in the state. The investigators visited more than 25 percent of California’s CPCs conducting 49 in-person visits with undercover women going in for a variety of different reasons. From seeking an abortion to being undecided of how to proceed with an unplanned pregnancy, the advice was always the same: you have to have the baby no matter what.

What’s worse? Factors like being in an abusive relationship or not having the resources to support a family didn’t change the “counseling” women received either. As one of the investigators put it, “It was scary how they all said the same things, it was like it didn’t matter who I was, they only have one script.”

In an effort to...

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