Progressive Sebastopol Voter Guide: June 3 Primary, 2014STATE:
Ballot Card A
Jerry Brown, Governor , Dem
But please call him at (916) 445-2841 and to express your concern about CA fracking.
Gavin Newsom, Lt. Governor, Dem
Derek Cressman, Secretary of State, Dem
Instrumental in Common Cause, expert on election reform, voting rights advocate, has many progressive endorsements, exposed Koch bros $$ in CA.
Ballot Card A (reverse)
Betty Yee, Controller, Dem (party split on this one)
Speaker Perez, though pro- middle class scholarship, etc is accused of abuse of power and $$, retaliatory action, pay discrimination against women in the Assembly. Yee wants to reform party corruption, equalize pay for women, is anti-PAC. Close race, so let's give her a boost!
Ellen Brown, Treasurer, Green (Dems endorse Chiang)
Public Banking adv/expert (as in N.Dakota), anti-debt, pro-education and alternative medicine.
Kamala Harris, Attorney General, Dem: She is GREAT!
Ballot Card B
Dave Jones, Insurance Commissioner, Dem, and Fiona Ma, Board of Equalization, Dem
Jared Huffman, US Representative, Dem. Keep up the good work Jared!
Environmentalist, activist, communicator, dedicated coalition builder in Congress.
Ballot Card B (Reverse)
Mike McGuire, State Sen, Dem (*We endorse Deb Fudge to replace him as Supervisor)
Hard working, endorsed by Dems and progressives, pro-Union, anti-fracking, pro ethics reform.
Diana Conti, State Assembly, Dem
Strong anti-fracking, roll back tuition increases, pro-single payer, endorsed by Lynn Woolsey, Sarah Gurney, Veronica Jacobi, etc. Marc Levine is a moderate Dem, recently pro-GMO labeling but iffy on fracking,; under fire for accepting big oil and big ag money and refusing to return it;.
Tom Torlakson, Supervisor of Schools (Dem)
Liberal ex teacher, pro-teachers' rights, +funding, allied w/Gov Brown, anti-excessive testing. Tuck: Ex-charter exec, student testing tied w/teacher job eval, anti-tenure, allied w/Obama.
COUNTY (Sonoma):
Gary Wysocky, Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector
Anti- corruption, qualified, fiercely independent, progressive populist, endorsed by Seb. Dems.
Victoria Shanahan, District Attorney
Grassroots “justice, not politics” campaign is appealing after long delay of Lopez investigation; says she will implement clearer guidance reducing low level marijuana prosecution. Ravitch praised for domestic violence work but gets failing grade for handling of Lopez case, pot prosecutions.
Deb Fudge, Supervisor 4th Dist, N. County: BIG RACE: Endorsed by most progressives, unions, etc
Yes on 41
Shifts previously allocated veteran housing funds to vet services most needed, homelessness
Yes on 42
Will increase local government transparency and compliance with Brown Act by shifting responsibility and cost from state to local govs, eliminating bureaucratic tangles and evasion.
Authored by volunteer parents with, whose values include fair elections, responsive and accountable government, GMO labeling, ban on fracking, clean air & water, well funded libraries.